
The background
In 2018, Steadfast Group, the largest insurance broker network within Australasia, was looking for a new agency to look after all of its digital marketing and creative work. Involve Digital won this piece of business along with its partners.
As with any piece of new business, the benchmarks and KPIs are always set based on the previous agencies' results. This was no different, except the pressure and expectations were extremely high as the prior agency happened to be Bohemia Group, a large, well-respected agency aligned with M&C Saatchi group.
To increase the annual number of "find a broker" searches on the Steadfast.com.au website using the same marketing budget Bohemia had the year prior. This was always going to be a challenge as Involve Digital came into this without any historical data.
The creative
Involve Digital developed new creative for each and every touchpoint. Search ads, display banners, Facebook ads, Twitter Ads, Spotify, LinkedIn and Instagram. All of this creative had a consistent look and feel and one main call to action, which enticed prospects to "find a broker."
The approach
The approach was to build out campaigns across all of these media channels, start conservatively, and assess which media channels generated the best result with the lowest cost per acquisition then scale.
The optimization
Over the past five years, optimisation has been immense and ongoing across all media platforms, and the results have kept improving significantly despite media costs increasing due to inflation. With over 1,000 micro campaigns across Australia and New Zealand, Involve Digital has continued to outperform and beat all KPIs set by Steadfast. The results which Involve Digital have delivered also have a direct correlation to the financial growth of Steadfast. This was evident in their shareholders' annual report released on the 17th of August 2022.
The results
In year 1, The objective was to deliver more "find a broker" searches than what Bohemia produced in the prior year using the same budget. Within three months, using 23% of the annual budget, Involve Digital managed to deliver that result. By the end of the financial year, Involve Digital had delivered 5X more "find a broker" leads than Bohemia had delivered the prior year.
At the end of year 2, The number of "find a broker" searches increased to 7X what Bohemia delivered, which is when this testimonial was written.
The team at Involve delivered effective digital acquisition campaigns for Steadfast, targeting SMEs across Australia and New Zealand, consistently meeting the KPIs via continuous optimisations. In the past two years, we increased conversion volume by a multiple of 7x whilst also improving lead quality. Jodie Levitski, Head of marketing and communications, Steadfast Group
At the end of year 3, that number had grown to 8X.
At the end of year 4, Steadfast's biggest year to date in revenue and annual profits, Involve Digital delivered 9.2X more "find a broker" searches than Bohemia delivered using the equivalent budget.